
Is There a Way to Understand Competitive Results in Tennis? Web version image

In this article, I will discuss the merits of two alternative theories for understanding what is happening in a tennis match: Momentum and The Fractal Theory of Tennis. I will show that momentum is an overused cliché. When pared down to the point where it actually generates a testable hypothesis, momentum doesn’t matter more than a little bit.

Feel In Tennis image

In the chapter on advanced players, most instructional books discuss the “touch shots” –the lob, dropshot, drop volley, half volley, and other delicate shots. Being more of a player means having more touch or feel.

What Adds Fulfillment to Competitive Tennis? image

Playing competitive tennis can be stressful. And you all know that stress, beyond a certain level, makes any player perform well below her level. (I’m still waiting to hear from anyone on any subject whatsoever where excessive stress is beneficial!).